
Wys tans plasings vanaf April, 2023

The realness of sacrifice.

  The realness of sacrifice I was still grading papers when it dawned on me that we are heading towards the Easter holidays and in the South African context this is for many reasons a sports holiday. Schools send their netball, hockey, and rugby teams off to compete in pre-season tournaments. Easter egg hunts are arranged for the holiday. Anyway, I was thinking this is sad because again we become preoccupied with other things on the most sacred of Christian holidays. It was then that I thought it would be a good idea if the staff of my school gets sent off on holiday with some food for the soul. I contacted our music department and asked those more gifted than me to perform something for the staff. They decided to sing the song, Christ has no body now but yours. I wanted to prepare some profound words to introduce the song. I read a little on the topic. Nothing I read felt real to me, it felt like words. Yes, many books and countless words have been written and spoken on the c...